Overhead Crane Training Course
Overhead Gantry Cranes are one of the most common and widely used cranes within the workplace. They are typically used across a wide variety of sectors such as the industrial, engineering, and manufacturing environments.
At Matrix Safety Training, we continually achieve high success rates by using the latest training techniques in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines.

Course awarding bodies & Accreditations

If you are interested in any of our crane courses, give us a call on 033 3366 0065 or send us an email and one of our team will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Course Name
Number of Candidates
Operator Experience
Course Duration
Overhead Crane
Up to four
2 Days
The novice course is designed for the candidate who has had no previous experience on this equipment.
Up to four
1 Day
The conversion course is designed for adding remote control and new attachments.
Up to four
2 Days
The experienced course is designed for the candidate who has previous experience on this equipment but cannot evidence previous accredited training.
Up to four
1 Day
The candidate MUST have an in-date certificate (within the previous 5 years).